Sunday, December 29, 2013

Are WE Ready For The TRUTH About UFOs?

In my personal experience, I find that people in general don't necessarily want
the truth. Truth in people's minds is something they strive for but not necessarily
live by. So when it comes to the subject of UFOs, it is more about the fact that the
government might be hiding something from its people, but not necessarily what
it is actually hiding. After many years of armchair research I wanted to find out for
myself what is out there. I did not just want to read about it anymore, I wanted to
experience it. So I went out to search for the answers. And to my surprise, when
I really put my mind to it, I found the answers – but they were nothing I imagined
they would be.

How many people are truly ready for official contact with extraterrestrials? That
is the question I started asking myself after I found the answers I was so feverishly
looking for. It's not just a question of meeting an extraterrestrial society. It's a
question of, are we as human beings ready to know more about ourselves, who
we truly are, and why we chose to be here. Since our birth, whether we were
consciously aware of it or not, we adapted this victim mentality, this excuse
that everything is out of our control and that we are the products of our past. So
naturally every step we take we take it with caution and care, because we are afraid
to make these mistakes that will add to our past and will become a permanent
marker in our psyche that will be added to the collective sum of who we are. If I
have not lost you by now, congratulations, it gets better. 

Service to one self: What I have discovered on my journey is that contact is not
just a physical experience but a spiritual one as well. A lot of these ET races have
developed their social interactions with each other to an art form. They don't live
by laws like we do. They encourage each member of their society to be the best
possible version of themselves that they can be and in return it strengthens the
whole. They don't just take one being’s opinion into consideration, they take them
all and the others are open-minded enough to see when their idea does not work as
well as another so they change to accommodate that which would be more efficient
and beneficial.

Know thyself: Many of these beings recognize that they are co-creators in this
universe and that they are responsible for everything they create in their reality.
The idea is that the perceived world we sense with our eyes and ears is only
a reflection of what is going on within us. A belief (thought) creates form and
emotions vibrate it into being. So, in essence, everything is consciousness creating
it's self interacting with itself.

Are we truly ready to accept these radical ideas, which would be conveyed to us if
and when we choose to make first contact?? Would we be open-minded enough to
let go of our past and start creating our reality and the perception of who we are
from the NOW instead of dragging this huge chip on our shoulder we call the past as
an anchor and limitation of our Dreams?

I don't know, all I can say is that I'm ready for something new. Are you…??



  1. I want to know more as well. Perhaps you can enlighten me as to how this can be accomplished. I crave the smoking gun. I want to know FOR SURE!

    1. Hey Mary! I will be posting periodically about my experiences but please understand. I can't prove anything to you BUT I promise you that you can prove it to yourself. It is more of a journey to find your own truth than to read books and decide who is wrong and who is right. Who to follow or not.

      The very first thing I did, was to simply let go of what other people think. I don't mean just letting go if somebody thinks your favorite sports team sucks or that you are not using the good kind of coffee filters.

      I'm talking about things that are up close and personal. For example: not caring what people say if you wore the same shirt for 5 days straight, speaking your mind even if it is against popular opinion… what does this have to do with UFOs and ETs you might ask?? A lot more than you think. Good Luck :)
